Develop an Introduction Assignment

Frame: Literacy acquisition is the way someone learns to read and write. Many scholars will agree that a student’s literacy success comes from a sponsor. Such scholars are Kara Alexander, James Paul Gee, and Deborah Brandt all explain how a sponsor can affect the ways of become fluent in literacy. Credibility/Intro Sources: Alexander demonstrates outcomes … [Read more…]

Coordination and Subordination Assignment

Subordinate:  “After he was able to learn how to manage his time, he finally got the grade he wanted”.  I am emphasizing on the fact that he did not get the grade he wanted until after he learned to manage his time effectively. The reason why is because before he did not want to put … [Read more…]

What’s your But? What’s your Or? Assignment

The parapgraph below is the first paragraph of my paper. I see this more as an OR because I am adding to the ideas of Brandt, but in an alternate way than Brandt openly states. In elementary education the idea that teachers aren’t showing effort to engage with their students is a common argument. Engagement with … [Read more…]

Revision Plan Assignment

In my paper I mainly follow the idea of affirming to the scholars ideas such as Gee and Brandt. My paper is supporting and adding different context to their definition of a sponsor or apprentice. Throughout my paper my peers did agree that I showed a lot of Gee and Brandt to support my main idea … [Read more…]

Blog Post from 2/24/16

This week I read up on the new education rights that are coming to the surface. Again they were based on the new thoughts coming from DeVos and Trump considering they are the ones making decisions. This coming week the main issue that interested me about the education system in this article Trump administration rolls … [Read more…]

Letter to Peers Assignment

Dear Peer Reviewer, Question: My issue or question I am trying to show through my paper is why is it that most literacy sponsors that show a positive interaction with a students and allow literacy success are not found until higher education? I show this question in my introduction along with ways that might support my question. … [Read more…]

TRIAC Revised

Below I put an updated paragraph from my first draft that originally didn’t follow the TRIAC guidelines. I have tried my best to form a TRIAC paragraph with one literary narrative and one scholar text. It was kind of difficult to reform my paragraph into a TRIAC paragraph but I followed the google doc outline … [Read more…]

Barclays Formula Revised

Below I have attached my revised paragraph for the Barclays formula technique. I did this by taking my 2nd body paragraph and rearranging the structure to fit this formula. I started by stating the topic I will be starting off with such as the idea of disapline in younger education. I then introduced the literacy … [Read more…]

Blog week of Feb. 17th

This issue I am going to follow for the semester is on issues on education brought by education department. As a student I find keeping myself involved with the issues being discussed about my education system is very important. This week there was an article that really influenced me to choice issues regarding education which … [Read more…]

Habits Of a Creative Mind: Writing Questions

Throughout the past couple weeks I have been paying more attention to my curiosity. Through the week I found I was the most curious while I was in class or in the library. I figured it was because my brain was already engaged and thinking so it made me think of non-school things; what am … [Read more…]