On Creative Spaces


The writer I was able to connect with was Oliver Sacks. As I scrolled through the Writers at Work website the only image that reminded me of my workspace on campus was Oliver’s. His creative space had a window to look out of and could of been a writing technique, like it is for me. Also Oliver’s space was clear of any distractions, as my creative space is composed of only materials needed for the subject I’m working on at that time.

Prompt from Habits of a Creative Mind:

Every writer needs their own work space. As a writer my personal work space is the top floor of the library. Being around students diligently working, helps motivate me to work to the best I can. I come to the library everyday for at least three hours. Sometime I come and just relax and think about my day for the first thirty minutes. That way I don’t jump into my work stressed out. It allows me to focus more on the topics. When I choose my seat in the library I tend to try and get a seat closer by the window. Sometimes it helps to look out the window and just process everything that I just acknowledged. Being able to look out into the ocean allows me to go off into my own space. When studying or writing I can never listen to music because its too much of a distraction. Personally, I would focus more so on the lyrics rather than what I’m working on. While looking through Writers at Work I was able to compare my work to Oliver Sacks. His creative space was next to a window, and he had a very clean space to work with. There was no means of technology to distract him during his work. When I’m working on school work my phone is usually in my bag or on do not disturb that way it isn’t constantly buzzing while I’m trying to focus. Self-discipline is the main objective while learning to write. Being able to turn off the cyber world is a huge benefit to your creativity. A creative mind can not be found through social media post, or various answers on the internet it comes from your own mind. That’s why a student’s study space needs to be free from technology so they are a lot to think freely of topics.

Link: http://writersatwork.pfauth.com/