
Cuddy Annotations: 

I enjoyed annotating Cuddy I liked her concept of body language. She had a lot of evidence that backed her up throughout her explantation of her claim that body language shows how someone is feeling in that moment. Not that I fully agree with her claim she did back herself up a lot. Also had a better time noting what the main points were throughout the video. I also thought it was easier to annotate with the video in the background.

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Gee Annotations:

Annotating Gee’s piece was one of the more difficult readings I have had to annotate. Although with the help of annotating any questions I had I put to the side to ask during class or with Amy. I do think talking this piece through as a class helped me understand the terms presented in the article. Throughout class I either highlighted or underlined the key points we discussed. While I was doing it by myself I had a hard time finding the key terms so I asked questions, or paraphrased the text paragraph by paragraph.

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Delpit Annotations: 

Below I inserted a couple pages from Delpit’s reading. As I went through I highlighted some key points, so it would be easier to go back to them. I also asked a few question and summarized what each paragraph was explaining. Throughout I identified things that were related to the Gee article, so when writing my discourse paper it would benefit me



Sherman Alexie Annotations: 

While annotating Sherman’s Alexie’s reading on superman I was fully engaged into the reading. I was able to stay engaged by summarizing paragraphs, and ask questions as they came up. Asking questions helped me look for possible answers. I also marked unknown words that I saw throughout the reading.


Eudora Welty Annotations: 

While annotating Eudora Welty’s reading I felt that the two stories were similar themes, just that learning styles were different. While reading this story I frequently asked questions, and summarized what I as a reader thought was important. I also identified a key point of the bell, that was mentioned a lot throughout the story. I kept underlining where it mentioned the bell. I did think of it as a symbol though out the story. I do think I should of been more organized with color, but i kept just grabbing a random pen. I will have to work on that
