English 123 Goal Statement

Now that english 122 is coming to an end its time to think about my goals for english 123. To start off I would like to say that I have shown a lot of effort toward this class and I plan to continue that effort throughout english 123. Although I will make more of an … [Read more…]

Post #1: Barclay’s Formula

An individual does not have to leave behind values from a primary discourse to enter a dominant discourse. A primary discourse is the discourse an individual is born with, where as a dominant discourse is the view that society has shaped to make the image of a perfect life. Throughout the writing of Gee, he … [Read more…]

“Gee and Discourses” #2

Throughout Gee’s writing he talks about secondary discourse. Secondary discourse are learned through social. Social environments are known to be places like school, and work. There are two different types of secondary discourse which is dominant and non-dominant. A personal example of secondary discourse is my transition to UNE. This is simply a secondary discourse … [Read more…]

“Gee and Discourse #1”

Gee’s ideas on Discourse is what we say, do, value, and believe. Gee also says throughout the introduction that a person is expressed through what they do or how they express themselves. A personal example that shows Discourse is the differences between my moms parents, and dads parents. My moms family has less social beliefs, where … [Read more…]

Amy Cuddy Quoatation

While reviewing the Amy Cuddy Ted talk, I think about how much of her presentation is accurate. Her main point in this talk is the concept of being able to tell how a person feels simply by their body language. Today we had the task to try a power stance before class. While sitting in … [Read more…]

Amy Cuddy Summary

In the TED talk Your body language shapes who you are, Amy Cuddy argues that a persons expression or body language will show how the individual feels emotionally. Amy begins with the claim that society is influenced by our nonverbal. Nonverbal is our thoughts, and emotions. She begins to explain how body language shows dominance. Dominance is … [Read more…]

Blog: “Alexie and Me”

“Text to Self Connection” While reviewing the readings from class I found that I relate to Sherman Alexies the most. I related the most when he states “I refused to fail. I was smart. I was arrogant”(Alexie 357). I never want to fail. I always strive to do my best. As I wrote in my … [Read more…]

Blog: “On Solitude”

“On Solitude” As I was writing my first draft I realized that the time of day I get the most work done is after all my classes, or after dinner. When it comes to distractions I realized that I would receive text messages or notifications that would distract me. Also even though I go to … [Read more…]

Literacy Narrative

This is my first draft of my literacy narrative paper. I have not made any corrections on this paper as of right now. (literacy-narrative-1st-draft)