“Gee and Discourse #1”

Gee’s ideas on Discourse is what we say, do, value, and believe. Gee also says throughout the introduction that a person is expressed through what they do or how they express themselves. A personal example that shows Discourse is the differences between my moms parents, and dads parents. My moms family has less social beliefs, where as my dads family has a more social aspect on life. My grandparents believe that success is money. They enjoy learning which explains their passions for traveling. They both had well paying jobs, to help keep their social status living in Newport. Which meant at their well paying jobs they dressed to impress. These values, and doings are completely different from my Nana and Papa that say a successful life comes from good work ethic. They value independence and effort in a person. When hiring for their buisness they didn’t care about where they went to school, they simply wanted to see that they have the drive to help the company be successful. Not that they don’t want someone with education but they also want someone that has common sense of the real life.