Blog 3/31


This week there was a few different topics within politics that were discussed in regards to education. The topic that interested me the most was Trump and DeVos making changes to the previous laws put into place by Obama and the effects that the change might bring. In the article “Trump signs bills overturning Obama-era education regulations” by Emma Brown states both opinions and facts on the topic of the changing of laws. She started by introducing the idea that they have overturned two Obama-era education regulations, but focuses on the main one. Brown states that “The teacher-preparation regulation, which stemmed from the Higher Education Act, required states to issue annual ratings for training programs within their borders”(1), is one laws that are being overturned. This law is going to affect the education system more than it will help it. This is for the reason that this law was put into place to ensure that teachers teaching grade levels K-12 are ready to teach a classroom full of kids. These teacher were required to take test to make sure they were ready, but Trump seems to think that this was another avenue to save money. Although the reason for this law is clear, which is because every student’s education is so valuable we don’t just want anyone trying to enter a student’s thought process that is not capable. Even though the law passed it barely passed by thee GOP. Which is why it makes me wonder why it passed and did not go into more conversation. It is interesting to see how much these valuable ideas that have been produced by our previous leaders can so quickly be overthrown. Im hoping that these effects that are being discussed do not actually happen and there is good that comes from this drastic change in the education system.