Blog Post: 3/3/17

In continuation from last week the act DeVos and Trump put into place over not allowing a gender safe bathroom for transgender students is still going. There are many riots that are happening as called in my previous post from last week. Although this week something else caught my eye about the education system while reading Trump moves program on historically black colleges into the White House by Danielle Douglas-Gabriel. Gabriel first caught my attention with “President Trump signed an executive order Tuesday that moves a federal initiative supporting historically black colleges and universities directly into the White House” (1). When first looking at this I thought it was a great thing that trump was doing, but the society from the HBCU seem to be on the fence. The leader of the HBCU shows his concern when he stated “The proof of the pudding is in the taste, and I’m not going to get excited until we see some real numbers”(Gabriel 1). Also when he states “We want to give the administration a chance, so we’re not exactly cynical, but nor are we super-confident that the right things are going to happen”(1). I guess I understand that they are unsure how this going to end, so they don’t want to get caught up in the good when there could be a lot of bad coming in too. If i was them I would be kind of concerned as well, have we seen what Trump is capable of doing to potential good things. Although who knows this could work out, and I hope it does. My next question would be how does DeVos feel about this?  Considering she seems pretty wrapped up in limiting as much funding as can. Well luckily Gabriel was able to answer that question for me when he states “DeVos drew criticism for a prepared statement about HBCUs in which she asserted that the colleges and universities “are real pioneers when it comes to school choice”(2). This could be able the education secretary doesn’t fully agree with the president. How can that be she seems to have little to no opinion, or basis of Trumps actions. IS this how we want our education secretary to be acting. Well hopefully over the next weeK DeVos and Trump hold their word of “‘And in President Donald Trump, and this administration, you have a strong partner in fulfilling your mission,’ she told them”(2). I hope to see more positive things being done to our education system in the next week.